心灵奇旅24小时内我看了三遍,实在是太棒的电影。谢谢电影给了我关于人生的思路,甚至给了我寻找多年人生意义和使命感的答案。人匆匆几十年,而且没有来生(个人看法),我觉得,来到这个世上,应该要做点什么吧?我拥有非常多的珍贵的财富:超级棒的父母,忠心合拍的妹妹,人生导师般的老公,还有很多对我非常友善的朋友和人们。但为什么,我就这么普通呢?我真真切切的感觉自己对不起所拥有的好,我就是电影里面的22。我做不了伟人,我甚至不能笃定自己会比爸妈成功,但我也不想浪费资源,实在不想辜负自己,至少,我应该要贡献一点什么吧?我总是羡慕热爱人生的人,不管他们处于怎样的社会地位,我总是看到并羡慕他们拥有的光,太羡慕了,对比我自己是如此的黯淡,看电影前我以为,要发出他们一样的光,第一步要找人生目标,找来到世界上的使命。所以我拼命地找自己。我读书,我听课,我学习新东西,尝试不同的领域,我努力地找自己来到世上的目的,因为只要找到目的,我就能和别人发一样光,但是这一路太难了,真的是死命找不到使命。我总是问自己,为什么我就那么差劲,我就那么笨,一定是试的东西不够多,一定是覆盖的面不够大,一定是看的书还不够。太苦恼了。直到我看了这部电影,我才发现自己多傻呀。身上发光的人有的是因为真的找到自己的挚爱,但那不是唯一能让发光的元素。认真地生活,也是可以发光,也可以让我快乐,也可以让我不辜负自己未来的几十年。我太喜欢这个答案了,因为我喜欢认真活,一听到这个想法,我就开心,就乐意去做,而且我知道自己能做到,就是这么厉害👍 。2021的1号,我找到了我的使命感。

Life Purpose
I have been looking for life purpose for years. I was 22 maybe I am still 22. Hopefully, not the worst moment of 22. Love the movie, I watched it 3 time within 24 hours. Thanks to the movie, yes, I have forgotten living in every minute of life. I have been struggling that I haven't done fantastically, I have super parents, a royalty sister and a mentor husband, some great friends and kind people surround me; however, comparing what I get from them, I always feel I haven't contributed a lot to my life and others. I am wasting 'resources' which has been put on me. This is my version of 22. Because of the movie, I have forgotten there are so many sparkling moments. I have achieved a lot but just keep looking for the next one because it is not great, BUT they are great, they are fantastic. I can keep looking for the next one, but I shouldn't forget the moment, shouldn't forget living in every minute. I need to tell myself: Maggie, you're life purpose is living in every minute!