这是一本让我欲罢不能的书。今早的4:30am 我把全书读完。因为Bill Gate 书单介绍,我接触了这本书,开始,我以为这是一本介绍传统公共教育和家庭式学校教育的碰撞,谁知道它是Tara 34年的人生碰撞。她出生在一个爸爸的信仰高于一切的家庭,在一言堂的成长环境下,如果没有逃离意识的人们,他们的成长注定没有选择。在父权如此严重的家庭里,家庭成员的代价是一次又一次和死神擦肩而过,只为了配合爸爸一个又一个任性的决定。家中除了暴政的爸爸,还有一位长期使用暴力对待妹妹的哥哥,我很庆幸,Tara在无意间选择了‘逃离’。但由于长期受到来自家庭的伤害和压力,Tara 的身心灵在很长一段时间受到了严重的伤害。亲人和外人的背叛让她一度怀疑人生,苦不堪言。被背叛的事件最终走到了诡异的方向,再浅白的事实,由于话语权却掌握在父母手中,最后由白变黑,她身边大部分的人,或因为钱,或因为愚昧,最终散失去了基本的辨别力。但,为什么付出代价的TARA和两位哥哥还能清醒呢?她认为,是教育救了他们。我跟着书本从心平气和读到心生怨恨,到完全泄气。唯一能非常庆幸上天给了Tara 拥有过人的毅力和能力,她的坚韧最终没沉没。

Book by Tara Westover: Educated
Reading done by: 28 DEC 2020
This a fantastic book. I couldn't stop reading it which was finished by 4:30am this morning. At the beginning, I thought it was a book about Tara home school experience made her differently when she involved in public education. In fact, this is a book about her 34 years life experience that
1) she was invisible in the US system with no birth certificate and social number
2) she was put into a completely different world surround by barriers, random home schooling under extreme fatherhood
3) she is from a big family, but parents didn't love each child fairly
4) she was betrayed by key family members under ridiculous situations
5) I am amazed she still can love, trust and forgive
Tara is not a typical strong figure as most of movies and books shown. Her life was not easy with some luck which was built by herself and kindness. My whole emotion went together with the book. I was angary that Tara's father risked every family member again and again without learning. I was upset that Tara's mum put so little effort to balance the family and relationship between them. I was furious Shaw's violence. Last but not least, Erin and Audrey were ridiculous turning black to white. Despite all, Tara was still granted the Gate Scholarship and finished her PhD, there is no doubt she has talent at study, strong figure who was able to manage her life during difficult time.