它拿到诺贝尔文学奖,却伴随沸沸扬扬的争议。我接触这个作品还是因为HBO 和 SKY 合作的切尔诺贝利电视剧。电视剧和书给我两种完全不一样的感受,电视剧告诉整个事件的走向是如何一步一地走到向绝望,虽然,中间有无数的英雄尝试去补救与努力,最好是于事无补;书本是从受害者地叙述进行回忆,这个巨大的灾难改变了他们的一生,娓娓道来同时交杂着多多少少的无奈和悲伤。这样的一个灾难,无人能够面对。我们对于既定的事实,又应该以怎样的心情去面对呢?
Book by Svetlana Alexievich: Voices From Chernobyl
Done by 27 JUN 2019
I was falling in love with the drama. Thanks HBO and Sky cooperation. The drama gave me a big picture of what had happened. It's frustrating but as people who were controlled and limited by super power, I am not sure who can do differently. It happened before I born, I haven't been taught by history book or told by news. It's so real - this is the my feeling from both drama and book. Drama gave me tension while book provided darkness. The book allow people to a have chance to speak out. Most of them were affected in a bad way, however, small amount of people would like to pay a high price, exchanging for life meaning. This is what surprised me
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 27 June 2019
This is the first time I read monologue. No nonsense, gave you thoughts and provide a completely different world and point of views. Amazed by humanity.