一口气买了大米美女两本书,同时也以很快的速度就读完了。大米某些性格特点特别像我的妹妹,敏感特别在情感上,很多时候她们的 ‘大惊小怪’ 容易被人误认为是恶意。很容易懵懵懂懂就被现状搞糊涂,幸好她们能力强,总能遍体鳞伤地站起来。以下是我的读书笔记:
若你有实力,你的 ‘同温层’ 的实力也不容小觑。我很早就明白了这个道理,但以前总是失望,因为我感觉我的同温层挺糟糕的,不是说我需要帮助的时候,他们会拒绝,而是我非常明白他们应付不了并爱莫能助。后来发现,其实我的同温层和我非常靠近,也不是一般所理解的朋友。在我的世界了,我的同温层能力高强,对我真挚,在我需要的时候,肯定愿意出手相助,而且能帮得特别好,我得同温层是家人和爱人。
Reading done by: 03 OCT 2020
Another book from lovely DA MI, it's pretty easy to read. When I read her book, I have found some parts of her character are similar to my younger sister, especially when they are in love. They use big emotions to deal with conflict and arguments. Sometimes, they may push and try too hard. Luckily, both of them are strong women, they always survive at the end but not their relationship. Here are some notes which make me think:
Dream comes true is a progress, not a one off game. People may get lost after their dreams come true. To avoid the lost, we should understand this is a progress, not one-off project. Treat it as a journey, we can keep shining.
Looking for your stratosphere: in the past, I was disappointed the ability level of my stratosphere. The crowd that surround me which couldn't help even though they want to. They just don't have the ability. I used to spend time to find a new level or change my surrounding. At the end, I have noticed my truth helpful stratosphere is always there. My stratosphere are my love one & my family members.